Captain Huang and God Huang

Time Limit
Memory Limit
Judge Program

Captain Huang has a talented brother----God Huang.They are so boring to stay at home because of coronavirus. So they decide to play a game to kill time.
The game is that given n stones ,each time one takes turns to remove x stones,x can be a arbitrary number in [1,M] and every one must at least removes one stone. Ultimately , The one who can not removes any stones will be the loser.
But God Huang thinks that playing one game decisively is stochastic. So they decide to play the game three times. The loser of every game can play first at next game.And the winner of the last game will win. The number of stones N and maximum number of stones one can remove M will differ at every game. Both of them are very clever and have optimal strategies for the game .At the first game,Captain Huang plays first.Do you can figure out who will win at last?


The first line is the number of test cases (t<=1000).
The first line of every test cases consists of three integers a,b,c, which means the number of stones in first , second and third game respectively. The second line of every test cases consists of three integers a',b',c', which means the maximum number of stones one can remove in first , second and third game respectively. (1<=a,b,c,a',b',c'<=1e9)


Print a line.If Captain Huang win ,print "Alice" which is the alias of Captain Huang.If God Huang win,print "Bob" which is the alias of God Huang.

Sample Input:
1 2 4
2 2 2
3 5 3
2 2 2
Sample Output:
