View Code of Problem 96

main() {
	int num;
	char type[3];
	while (scanf("%d",&num)!=EOF&&num!=0)
		double count=0;
		scanf("%s", type);
		if (strcmp(type, "B") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(type, "KB") == 0)
			count = num * (pow(1024.0, 1) - pow(1000.0, 1));
			printf("%.0lf\n", count);
		else if (strcmp(type,"MB")==0)
			count = num * (pow(1024.0, 2) - pow(1000.0, 2));   
			printf("%.0lf\n",count);                   //%lf是double的输出格式 .0是保留0位小数
		else if (strcmp(type, "GB") == 0)
			count = num * (pow(1024.0, 3) - pow(1000.0, 3));
			printf("%.0lf\n", count);
		else if (strcmp(type, "TB") == 0)
			count = num * (pow(1024.0, 4) - pow(1000.0, 4));
			printf("%.0lf\n", count);

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