View Code of Problem 134

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct num{
	int data; //值 
	int pos;  //下标 
} infor;

infor arr[100001];

int Partition(struct num arr[], int low, int high){
	int p1 = arr[low].data;
	int p2 = arr[low].pos;
		while(low<high && arr[high].data>=p1) high--;
		arr[low].data = arr[high].data;
		arr[low].pos = arr[high].pos;
		while(low<high && arr[low].data<=p1) low++;
		arr[high].data = arr[low].data;
		arr[high].pos = arr[low].pos;
	arr[low].data = p1;
	arr[low].pos = p2;
	return low;
void QuickSort(struct num arr[], int low, int high){
		int pivot = Partition(arr, low, high);
		QuickSort(arr, low, pivot-1);
		QuickSort(arr, pivot+1, high);
int main(){
	int n, q, l, r; 
	while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF){
		for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){
			scanf("%d", &arr[i].data);
			arr[i].pos = i;
		QuickSort(arr, 1, n);
		scanf("%d", &q);
			scanf("%d %d", &l, &r);
			for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){
				if(l<=arr[i].pos && arr[i].pos<=r){
					printf("%d\n", arr[i].data);

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